Welcome to my virtual bookshelf! I hope you enjoy browsing through the books below. If you see anything you like just click on the button under the synopsis to take you to the publisher's site.
'Anne-Marie Norman jumps right into a plot with minimal backstory. The endings are abrupt and left me wishing each story was its own full length novel, but maybe that's what made them so good.' P.A. Santos - reviewing The Dark Karma Café

A Stage Play

Coming Soon
The Word-Butcher is a short stage play about freedom of speech, inspired by the Theatre Of The Absurd and the censorship of the modern age.
A Priest who has been incarcerated for making a religious speech engages in a battle for his life and sanity with a 'Ministerial Butcher'. Slowly he is reduced from Shakespearean eloquence to silence.
Homeless is a play set on a new housing development. The office is presided over by salesman Mark who instils fear into his employees and whose only aim is to make enough money to move to the countryside where there are no new developments being built. He struggles to meet the targets set by the company, in the end, resorting to ruthless strategies to increase profits but risking his own downfall in the process.
Short Stories
The Dark Karma Cafe is the place where revenge is sweet.
Have you ever been bullied and wanted to get your own back? Or fallen victim to a scam and wished the fraudster would get a taste of his own medicine? What if bad people really did get their comeuppance? In this book of short stories a conman on the worldwide web gets caught in a different kind of web, the victims of an evil priest turn on him on bonfire night and an arrogant doctor gets trapped in a revolutionary new machine.
The Dark Karma Cafe eBook : Norman, Anne-Marie: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
A Novel
Set in Athens, Greece, this novel tells the story of Imogen, a reluctant and unconventional English teacher, who one day gets a call from the head of department offering her a job in the Greek Parliament. She soon realises, after meeting her new students who are all politicians, that when a job seems too good to be true, it probably is. A romantic, humorous and entertaining fiction read
A European Woman eBook : Norman, Anne-Marie: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
Storyteller at Heart
I love writing fiction and especially short stories. I've been writing since I was very young when I used to make my own books and illustrate them myself. I enjoy the eccentric, weird and unexplained and my favourite genres are literary fiction, thrillers, surrealism, gothic, fantasy and science fiction. I hope you enjoy reading my books and plays as much as I enjoy writing them. I have also written under the pen name Ava Carpzov in the past.
For a free excerpt of my short story 'Virus' which is featured in The Dark Karma Café go to the Portsmouth Authors Collective YouTube site at: Portsmouth Authors Collective - YouTube

"Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound ends in a deed."
Abraham Joshua Herschel
A European Woman
March 2009
I am neither friend nor relative of this author. A work colleague lent me the paperback a year or so ago.
This is a wonderful book - accessible, funny, poignant, engaging and intelligent. The quality of writing is sustained : characters are quickly caught through sharp observations of detail and reflection.
Tony G.
Available on Amazon Kindle. A European Woman eBook : Norman, Anne-Marie: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store

Contact Details:
Please email me if you are having problems accessing any of my books at: afn.friendlybacteria@gmail.com
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Goodreads: Anne-Marie Norman - Sussex, The United Kingdom (5 books) | Goodreads
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